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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Sing Kong Chui

In the UK children,in the olden days, were given castor oil for tummy upset. In Venezuela,even until today, two tablespoons of olive oil will get rid of a big flu. Some children in the ulu (upriver regions) in Sarawak are given a rub of pure coconut oil with ginger for any simple ailments like headaches,and stomach upsets. Old wives' cures are amazing but they have for some reasons, have indeed brought up generations of healthy children.

In Sarawak,until today, the Foochows probably swear on Sing Kong Chui (literally , the Power Drink of the Gods) more than any other cure.

Every student from Sibu going overseas to study would pack a dozen or two of this liquid into his bag as a cushion against any illness. I took quite a bit to my university and this bottled medicine truly helped friends who had stomach ache in the middle of the night. It used to be 15 cents a bottle. And if we returned the bottles to the drug store, Poh Guan Hong, in Sibu, we could get a discount for the medicine. My family actually painstakingly collected the bottles for the exchange. This reduced quite a bit of our expenditure on this special and delightful medication. Thus Ting Ung Kee, the originator of this potion had a very good marketing strategy even in those days.

Anyone having stomach upset, or headache could be relieved by just one bottle or two of this miracle cure.

I brought my children up to like it and probably saved several expensive trips to the western doctors.

Small ailments? Just look for Sing Kong Chui. What exactly is in the small bottle of wonder potion that can relieve so much discomfort and make a child smile again? What is it that I feel cool and comfortable after taking a bottle or two of it for a nausea or heartburn? Its effects can be almost immediate. Therefore most of us even carry a bottle of it in our handbag.

Ubat Sakit Perut Cap Rusa, Sing Kong Chui was the brain child of Ting Ung Kee, one of the foremost Chinese Traditional Doctors of Sibu days from the 1950's until 1990's.

Today, Dr. Ting's grandchildren are looking after the enterprise. They own a factory in Sungei Antu. The price of each bottle has gone up to RM1.50 from a mere 30 cents in the 60's and 15 cents in the 50's.

Some of its contents:

Radix saussureae (100mg)
Radux Gentianae (100mg)
Cortex cinnamomi
Caryophyllio Flos
Folium Perillae
Herba Agastachis
Myristicae Semen
Fructus Chebulae
Fructus Anise Stellati
Herba Elsholtziae
Radix Glycyrrhizae
Herba Schizonepetae
water (10 ml)

Its instruction on the unique bottle is that this potion is for cold, flu,getting rid of wind, relief pain and relief of simple ailments It is also recommended for stomach ache, indigestion and heartburn.

It is a good cure. I never fail to have stock of it in my first aid kit.

I would like to show our appreciation to Dr. Ting Ung Kee for his contribution to the health of so many Foochows of Sibu.

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