It seems most of the Japanese tourist tips are very similar and some quite helpful. Although others just seemed down right unusual. One in particular sticks in my mind no matter how hard I try and erase the thoughts. While I am not exactly sure of the source, I do know it was a Japanese website offering safety tips to Japanese tourists considering travel in street crime prone areas.
When I asked Zume if he had found anything interesting he said "Yeah this website says to look less like a tourist and more like a local I should get more browny and grow a - I don't know what you call it". As I looked up at him, he was stroking his face with his hand. "A beard?" I quizzed and sniggered. "Yeah get browny and grow a beard." To Zume browny means getting a tan and growing a beard; well I'm guessing that would take many moons. Inspite of the stupidity of this tourist tip, I cannot help but wonder what sort of facial hair they are suggesting and how this might deter would be robbers.
And...if this travel guide is suggesting that in order to look less vulnerable one must look less 'Japanese', what are they suggesting one should look more like?
Perhaps a middle eastern appearance would make for a carefree adventure...

maybe we should consider a more sinister appearance, the look of someone highly skilled in kungfooery...

oui oui joost like one of zee locaals...

or the porn star look is always a winner, sure to ward off any thoughts of petty theft...