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ciah-ciahSome unusual happenings around the sushi zume household have prompted an out with the old and in with the new wave. SO WE ARE MOVING! Today I said bye bye to blogger (even though technically I am still here if you are reading this) and
Hello Word Press, I am just about to buy the sushizume domain, get everything sorted and we will have a new home in no time over at sushizume.com. Soon my lovelies, soon!
One of the weirdest things has happened to me this week. I have back pain. Hoop stopping, tear jerking, nerve niggling back pain. Uh huh, not something I have ever really dealt with before and usually not something I would write about but...I am just gonna say - it is fucking annoying!
Two days of gritting my teeth and lying around feeling sorry for myself has sent me searching for the cause and the cure. I am not sure what happened exactly. I have been practicing a lot of foot hooping lately, lying on my back with legs extended in the air but I don't think it truly the cause.
I have a little bible that i whip out whenever I have so much as a spot or a sore bit it is titled
You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay. You see I am a big believer in all physical afflictions and illnesses being a direct result of our internal states and emotions. In the back of this book are many pages divided into three columns. The first is the problem, second is the probable cause and the third is the new thought pattern. The reason why I have adored this book for so many years is because it is always, without a doubt on the money.
Two recent examples. On Wednesday night I was literally eaten alive by bugs in the park. The itching was unbearable, the rash hideous and the feeling bizarre. I found my trusty book, scanned down the page until I got to bug bites and low and behold it said the probably cause was
Guilt over small things which of course could be interpreted in so many ways but as it turns out I had been grappling a bit with a few small things that I may have been feeling a wee bit guilty about. My new thought patter
I am free of all irritations. All is well soon had me breathing easy and scratching less. Onto the back pain thing. I always know that backs are the pillars of support, the strength of life. So when backs are out of line or just not feeling their best it stands to reason that we are feeling unsupported in some way, internally or externally, we are worrying about our strength to accomplish things. Couldn't be more true for me right now. I am really, very much enjoying the choices I have made and the freedom that comes with that but am going through the transition from external support to self supporting. When I looked up sciatica in THE BOOK I found knowingly that the probably cause of my pain is
Fear of money and of the future. My new thought patterns have not really kicked in, although I plan to lay down the law with many rounds of
EFT tonight.
I move into my greater good. My good is everywhere, and I am secure and safe.On the off chance that that doesn't do the trick I am off to have my first taste on acupuncture in the morning. We had noticed many times walking from the station a sign saying
English Available, always a draw card for me no matter what they are offering. I remembered that Masao had told me they do 'the needle thing' so after much tossing and turning last night and a great deal of pain today I decided to give them a call. The place is called
Shinshin Kenkodo Medical Center. I steer clear of any kind of doctors office or pharmacy but luckily these guys offer only holistic therapy. So I am off to get some shiatsu and acupuncture in the morning. The great thing is the center is just a few minutes walk from our apartment in Nishi-Ogikubo and the therapist speaks English. I am really looking forward to it, not just because it may help with the pain.
I am not sure what to expect so would love to hear if you have ever had this kind of therapy before. Wish me luck!