It can sometimes be awkward to go to a abundance and acquisition that there is no ample admeasurement women's clothes accessible for you. Do not affront about back nowadays, there are specialty shops that baby to additional sized women. The choices in specialty food are abundant bigger than in approved food because not alone will they absolutely accept your size, but these designs are tailored to accurately attending acceptable on a additional sized woman.
If you are adorable for appropriate tips on how to accept the appropriate ample admeasurement women's accouterment again apprehend on:
Choosing the Appropriate Design
Be accurate with those printed shirts and blouses. A lot of these accent the accommodation of your body. Also, if you are planning on affairs clothes that accept bare patterns, you should opt for vertical curve instead of accumbent lines. Vertical curve accent your acme and accordingly accomplish you attending slimmer. Accumbent curve accent your amplitude and accordingly accomplish you assume wider.
Choosing the Appropriate Color
When it comes to colors, women adulation to aces ablaze or delicate colors. While there is annihilation amiss with this, there is a bigger band-aid if you are aiming to accomplish yourself assume slimmer. Accept atramentous or any aphotic colors. These are affirmed to accomplish you arise slimmer because it hides any bulges. Darker colors additionally accord beneath definition. If you can't abstain cutting ablaze or delicate colors, accomplish abiding that the blouse does not accept too abounding patterns. Opt instead for apparent blouses.
Wear V-Neck Blouses
V-neck blouses are abundant because they actualize an optical apparition for the wearer. It helps draw the absorption of those who attending at you to the V shape. However, if you accept ample breasts you ability appetite to anticipate alert because this will appearance of your cleavage. Although you apperceive what they say, if you've got it, why not advertise it?
Wear Ample Belts
This is one of the oldest tricks in the book. Ample belts that you can abrasion about your waist can be slimming because it creates the apparition of a slimmer waistline. This additionally helps draw absorption abroad from your contour and into the belt.
Remember these tips and you are abiding to feel added adequate with your size. Remember though, that accurate adorableness absolutely does lie in the inside. A woman with abundant cocky aplomb will consistently be adorable no amount her admeasurement or shape.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Tips to Choose Large Size Women's Clothing
Class Is Forever: Thinking Of Carmen Dell'Orefice

First time I laid my eyes on incredibly graceful lady in Rolex add displayed in Vogue, I immediately knew three things: 1. Class is really and truly forever. 2. I knew what kind of hat I would give to Carmen if she would walk in my Atelier (the girl can dream, can't she?) 3.I knew that is how I want to look when I grow up! ...And, of course, I had to know everything there is to know about this magnificent ageless Beauty.

Carmen was born on June 3rd, 1931. She was discovered at the age of 13 during her bus ride she usually took to get to her ballet class. Unfortunately, her first test pictures for a flop, but she did sign contract with Vogue at $7.50 per hour in 1946 at the age of 16.
Despite modeling and despite the fact that Carmen and her mother were accomplished seamstresses and made extra money, Carmen and her mother were poor. She roller-skated to Vogue assignments to save bus fare. Carmen was so malnourished that famed fashion photographers Horst P. Horst and Cecil Beaton had to pin back dresses and stuff her body with tissue.
In 1947, Carmen got a raise to $10-$25 per hour. She appeared on the October 1947 cover of Vogue, at age 15, one of the youngest Vogue cover models ever (along with Niki Taylor, Brooke Shields, and Monika Schnarre).
Carmen Dell'Orefice

Unfortunately, despite early successes at a very young age, modeling agent Eileen Ford refused to represent her and Vogue very soon lost interest in her. After doctors prescribed shots to start puberty, she instead started working for catalogs and lingerie, making $300 per hour. It was then that she joined Ford Modeling Agency in 1953.
According to "Vanity Fair" magazine, Carmen who have done very well for herself against all odds, lost most of her money in the stock market in 1980-1990. She was forced to auction off her famous modeling photographs from the 1940s-1980s through Sotheby's
In April 2009, Carmen was interviewed for Vanity Fair magazine's story "Madoff's World." Photographs of Carmen and photographs she took of Madoff appear in this article.
In 1994, with what little money she had left, and with money from boyfriend Norman Levy, she invested with Madoff. For twelve years, Ruth and Bernie Madoff and Carmen and Norman Levy were a "foursome," traveling and partying together on lavish yachts and homes.
In April 2009, Carmen was interviewed for Vanity Fair magazine's story "Madoff's World." Photographs of Carmen and photographs she took of Madoff appear in this article.
In 1994, with what little money she had left, and with money from boyfriend Norman Levy, she invested with Madoff. For twelve years, Ruth and Bernie Madoff and Carmen and Norman Levy were a "foursome," traveling and partying together on lavish yachts and homes.
Levy died in 2005, at age 93, and Madoff was the executor of his will, which had $244 million in assets according to Carmen. Madoff further used this money to lure in about 13,500 individuals and charities. She continued to regularly have dinner with the Madoffs after Levy's death.
Carmen Dell'Orefice
Friday, August 7, 2009
The G Eye of the Average Joe(poked out ViA the Little MoonStars)

A Joe is an 'everyman' or average Joe.

Next insert by Shaman;
I C not a finer opportunity to express the thoughts I've been having lately about the I. Eye was going to use this thread as notes for the "monster" post of mine For The Dead or Dying, but hopefully it will spawn some syncs here.

And your right, but many a gods in the old pantheon had duel identities. There are two appearances of Hermes.... One young and usually seen with a purse because he stood for the ability to use cosmic consciousness against your fellow man for gain.... He, like Odin was called the God of the thieves(Prince of Thieves), and used his smarts to better his material wealth. But the old witchdoctor like Hermit(from the Hermetic spawned word for hidden) hides alone and only came out at night(hence the lantern), night which in itself was a symbol for the dark unknown of the Otherworld or the Land of the Dead. The Younger version on top of the Manitoba Legislative Building seen two pictures above also has a torch like Lantern leading us to understand that it has some Promethean like context such like Lucifer(the light bringer) and/or Loki the Norse god of fire.... YVHV the Jewish demiurge holds similarities as well from his pillars of fire and his burning bush.

The Hermit and Fool both stand above the abyss, or the 11th seperoth of the Kabbalah Tree of Life also called Daath.... This giving us 9 11.... Am I going too fast? Ok 9 is the Hermit, 11 is the cliff he stands above. The only difference is that the younger version has no warning of the event because a dog chases him into it(or warns him which ever you chose to interpret it with) and the Hermit stands atop lighting the way for others. The others are the ones below climbing the Abyss.

Now the 9 in Numerology is for the ego actually because 9 when multiplied by any number always goes back to itself.... I actually learn this right on top of the whole Transformers experience because I downloaded the interview with Art Rosengarten over at Red Ice about the Nine in Tarot cards... And then the next day read about it in my little book about Magick that I'm reading. Let me demonstrate.... 9 times 3 is 27 and 2+7 is 9. This is true with all the numbers before 11 and if your into Protagoras those are the only ones that matter anyway. I actaully figured this out when I was in elementary, but really it was driven home with importance during that little time period of enlightenment(pun intended) Between June 11th and July 4th. There are many weird happenings with nine that I could go on about, but need to go to bed and trust that those who find this of importance will learn through their own personal synchronicity in due time.

G I Joe.
At about 40 seconds to 53 seconds in the Trailer above... Please watch it.... We see the Eiffel Tower in Paris get taken out by the Hood of the Cobra. Also note that Dennis Quaid appears right after and he will probably spawn some new syncs here soon, if not by others, then by me. I have been staring at the Eye-Ful for sometime now because i see it everywhere.... For example.


Above is one variation of a MoonStar/Monster, the Masonic or Islam type Crescent hugging a pentagram.
Another way of interpreting a MoonStar is as an actor/star that resonates the Moon.
Jim Carrey is too easy so we will highlight MoonStar Nicholas Cage.
Cage inside the white circle spot of the Moon on the poster for "Honeymoon in Vegas"

We see the Wolf, creature of floW and that which howls at the Moon, present on her T-Shirt.

I dont have screen shots but the ending of the Charlize StarRing "Hancock" has some wild Moon action.

No real excuse to mention the next sync, William does mention Jupiter, I suppose...

The Red headed AA is pregnant on the June Bug poster which in my mind is basically the entire tale of Jupiter, the sphere of Joy.

I see this as highlighting "2010: The Year We Make Contact" as the date when this birth process is finalized.
On the "Juno" poster this is expressed ViA the orange Tiger stripes, 2010 being the Chinese Astrological (a system regulated by the 12 year orbit of Jupiter) year of the Tiger.

Tommy: Since we're on the topic of monsters/moon stars, have a look at these...

Notice in the "Monsters, Inc." screenshot earlier in this post, we see a blue, horned mon-star holding a child. Also notice the "O" in Monsters has horns as well, resonating Taurus.
Horned monsters holding children? Sounds familiar...

Next, Jake has looked at this image before on The Blob, but I'd like to bring it up again:

The moon (hanging over the right shoulder of Isis, played by Geena Davis) and stars, Beetlejuice=Betelgeuse, the name of an actual star. This star is the Right Shoulder of the Orion constellation, the 7 stars of which can be seen over the Moon pillar on a Masonic Tracing Board:

All Dog/Gods Go To Heaven:

Featuring recently deceased Dom DeLuise as "Itchy Itchiford", or I-I/9-9. (Itchy is the little dog behind the main one voiced by BuRt Reynolds, whose head just barely touches the Moon through a red c-ap... I'm also getting some tremendous deja vu with this, I'm almost certain I've seen all this stuff pointed out before...)

Haunted HoneyMoon, notice the moon itself is not on the cover but the word "moon" and the "stars" are... Also notice how the light-source has been switched to the Left Hand. (Of course, it could have originally been the right hand and the image is mirrored.) Starring GENE Wilder...
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