I figured this would be an appropriate choice for a few weeks back when Star Trek opened, but I was slow with getting other reviews out so this one sat on the shelf. This is my next entry in my look at some forgotten gems from 1999. You can click here to see why I’m doing this thing. So far I’ve reviewed the following for this series with a brief look at what’s on tap:
The War Zone (Tim Roth)
Sunshine (István Szabó's)
Beyond the Mat (Barry W. Blaustein
Mumford (Lawrence Kasdan) – June 8th
Bowfinger (Frank Oz) – June 15th
One of the great things about doing this series is that it’s allowed me to go back and revisit some films that didn’t get their just deserves when they were released. It also has shown me that I truly am one of those nerdy filmgoers who watches something and then rails it against those who think it’s such an original idea when usually a better film did years prior. So is the case with Dean Parisot’s Galaxy Quest, a film that was Tropic Thunder nine years before Ben Stiller tried his hand at the “they-don’t-know-they’re-not-in-a-movie” formula. Galaxy Quest is infinitely better than Stiller’s film: it’s funnier, more subtle, and feels created out of love for the geeks who follow these Sci-fi franchises so closely. It was definitely one of the best surprises of 1999.
The film has a great cast: Alan Rickman, Sigourney Weaver, Tony Shalhoub, Sam Rockwell, and Tim Allen (who is actually funny in this!). They are all stars of a hit science fiction show not unlike a certain show with warp speed and Klingons. Now, I’ve never been a Trekkie and I haven’t seen one episode of "Star Trek", but despite my lack of knowledge with the source material that was being satirized I still found something to laugh at.

This is the premise for a movie that reminded me why I thought Tropic Thunder was more of a miss than a hit. In Galaxy Quest you see the filmmakers going for jokes that are just as obvious as the jokes Ben Stiller is going for in his film, except Parisot and his writer David Howard use humor that is more subtle creating moments that make you smile rather than the kitchen-sink type comedy Still throws at you in Tropic Thunder (I am specifically thinking of the scene with Jack Black tied to a tree, there are so many missed jokes, that when something does make you laugh you think it’s funnier than it really is…all of the jokes Stiller throws at you in that film seem to be more of a distraction from the fact that he really only had a few jokes in mind when making the film.).

As I mentioned earlier I’m not a Trekkie, but as a general nerd I appreciated the fact that the filmmakers showed appreciation for the cult following the fans have for shows like “Galaxy Quest”. At the end of the film where the actors start to realize that what they’re doing is their show, only now it’s a reality, they don’t have the information from the cannon to fall back on because they have all tried to distance themselves from the show. It also shows that no matter how long actors may work on these types of shows, the details all blur together; they don’t have the wealth of knowledge that the diehard fans have, and something I love about Galaxy Quest is how the nerd (Justin Long), with all of that “useless” information, is the one they call upon to save the day. It’s a sweet nod to the rabid, sometimes annoying, but always rooted in a passion and love for the material, type of fan bases that follow these shows so closely.

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