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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A feather in your cap - A study of plumed hats 1800-2008

(Picture : Chief Seattle USA). The city of Seattle is named after him, an American Indian Chief whose wisdom and speaking abilities have impacted the world.

Men and women have always been fashion conscious throughout the world and all through the history of mankind. And one of the most important part of a man or a woman's attire is the hat worn for ceremonial purposes or just a normal day out in the sun.

Photo by Rubber Seeds - An Iban Chieftain with feathers on his headgear.

Besides other ornaments feathers or plumes have been decorating hats or helmets for centuries.

Today I have a selection of beautiful pictures to just tell you that. No wonder when the English say " I got another feather in my cap!", they do not mean literally a feather in their cap. Instead they have something to be proud of.

Let me wish you lots of days with feathers in your cap.

A New Zealand Governor in full ceremonial attire.

A Cavalier UK in uniform which has been worn for centuries.

An Adjutant General's Cocked Hat.

Another ceremonial hat.

Stylish black felt hat with plume.

Sir Hugh Clifford of Pahang one of the Residents of Pahang. He had his plumed hat in his right hand in this portrait.

And at the Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremony lots of feathers were seen . China has lot of feathers in her cap for making the 2008 Beijing Olympics more than fantastic!!
Chang Yi Mou , the director of directors,has another feather in his cap.

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