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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Cosmetic Surgery Facelift

As people become older, their skin tissue and the underlying facial muscles tend to loose their elasticity. As a result, these muscles and tissues have a sagging appearance causing formation of folds and wrinkles on the face.

Woman Facelift Treatments

Facelift Treatments

Facelift surgery, also known as Rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure to lift the sagging skin tissue on the face and to improve the visible signs of aging on the face . Cosmetic surgery of the face or facelift surgery is a useful way of correcting all the aging features that appear on the face, thus restoring a more youthful appearance with uplifted contours and improved facial tone. Effects of facelift surgery last for about 7-10 years.

There are different types of facelift surgeries. These include a complete facelift performed on the whole face or a partial facelift that involves only specified areas like the lower face or the neck.

Cosmetic Surgery Facelift Procedure

Cosmetic Surgery Facelift Procedure

Surgery is performed under a general anesthesia. A typical or traditional facelift surgery involves incisions made around the hairline that continue along the ear. These incisions end behind the ear. The skin is then carefully separated from the underlying muscles of the face. Excess fat deposits are removed and the muscles are tightened. The skin is then lifted up and pulled back. Any excess skin is carefully trimmed off. The skin is then stitched back to the line where the incision was initially made. The incision is hidden behind the natural contours of the ear. Sometimes, a second incision under the chin becomes necessary to lift a sagging jaw line.

A facelift operation requires the patient to be in the hospital for 1-2 nights. Most of the side effects caused due to facelift surgery are temporary. Some important side effects include swollen and bruised sensation on the face and appearance of incision scars. Swelling and bruising sensation subsides within 2-4 weeks. In case of men, beard appears to lie closer to the ear. In case of an unsuccessful operation, patients suffer with conditions like bleeding under the skin, infection and deep vein thrombosis. Other specific complications include damage to facial nerves causing numbness of facial muscles, irregular ears, temporary hair loss around the incision and formation of keloids.

facelift before and after

facelift before and after

facelift treatments before and after

Facelift treatments before and after

One should quit smoking while getting ready for a facelift surgery. Smoking delays the process of wound healing and it also increases the risk of infections. One should also stop taking medications such as aspirin and other anti-inflammatory medicines.

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