1. My coffee machine decided to take a brake and I was unable to start my morning with my wonderful cup of coffee as I usually do.
2. Coming from the second floor down I tripped on my cat Buttons and landed flat on my back. I think I saw "stars and all the pretty colors." Buttons could not care less.
3. Managed to lock myself out of the house and had to climb through the bathroom window under the heavy rain. All before 9 a.m.
4. Barely made it on time for 9:45 a.m train to Penn Station. Spilled hot coffee from the paper cup all over myself. By the way, coffee I bought from Starbucks before getting on the train was remarkably disgusting.
5. While running to my very important appointment, I realised that I am missing a folder with important papers. Left it on the train.
6. ATM ate my debit card and I had to spent almost an hour and a half at the bank trying to recover it.
7. During very important lunch with a client had to excuse myself to the bathroom where I got stuck for 20 minutes trying to open broken lock. Finally, was rescued by a waitress who walked in and opened the door from outside. By the time I returned to the table, client was gone, probably, thinking that I ditched her to pay for our lunch.
8. Cried a little at the table. Had to have emergency Shardone.
9. Decided to go home and wait until Monday is over, but somehow got on the wrong train and ended up in the land Far Far Away from my home. Had to wait another hour for the returning train.
10. Broke my heel. I think it just decided to quit after all this running around because it just fell off without any encouragement whatsoever.
11. Cried a little over my broken shoe.
12. Finally, got home..Do not ask me how but around 10 p.m I accidentally hit myself with chain you suppose to pull to turn light on in the closet. Chain had a little crystal bear at the end of it. It split my upper lip and I had to go to the emergency room for stitches...
It is Tuesday morning.I am sitting in my kitchen with a beautiful cup of tea, looking outside of my window. It is a sunny morning and flowers are especially brilliant and colorful. I am wearing my favorite PJs with pink elephants in hats on roller skates. My hats are waiting for me in my Atelier. Life is BEAUTIFUL!!! Who cares about stitched lip. :-)))) Wishing all of you wonderful week.
Picture is provided courtesy fantastic Dustjacket Attic. :-)
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