Eventful day at the zoo on Friday. The Hippo was out of the water and I actually got a chance to see the Rhino. Oh and I rolled my ankle so I can't do anything this weekend lol. I just hope it heals good enough for me to go to the Drawing Club next week.
Magical fairies. Evil queens. Lovable bears. No, this isn’t a review of summer’s GLBT Pride events! It’s a sneak preview of the first-ever D23 Expo. Billed as “the ultimate Disney fan experience,” the expo will be held September 10-13 at the Anaheim Convention Center.
The classic films and theme parks created or inspired by Walt Disney have long held a special place in many GLBT hearts. While nothing has historically said “family friendly” like the Disney brand name, the company has also been a pioneer in hiring gay and lesbian employees, supporting our community and defending us against religious bigotry, such as when the Southern Baptist Convention called for a boycott of Disney in the mid-1990’s over the corporation’s non-discrimination policies.
The D23 Expo will offer a broad array of speakers, exhibitions, celebrity appearances, film screenings, interactive experiences and exclusive merchandise to Disney fans of all ages and lifestyles. Some of the most iconic Disney props and costumes of all time will be on display, and fans will have the opportunity to meet many of their favorite Disney characters and artists.
Special sneak peeks will be provided of upcoming Disney productions such as Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland (will fan fave Johnny Depp, who plays the Mad Hatter, make an appearance as he did at July’s Comic-Con?), Tron Legacy, The Princess and the Frog, Toy Story 3, Rapunzel and next summer’s Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, which will star Brokeback Mountain’s Jake Gyllenhaal in a video game-inspired fantasy. Disney’s stage productions, including the currently touring Mary Poppins, will also be highlighted.
A highlight of the D23 Expo promises to be the Disney Legends ceremony, which will be held for the first time outside of Disney property on Thursday, September 10. This year’s honorees include Robin Williams, all four stars of The Golden Girls (Beatrice Arthur, Estelle Getty, Rue McClanahan and Betty White), Tony Anselmo and Bill Farmer (the current voices of Donald Duck and Goofy, respectively).
Jeffrey Epstein, co-author of the bookQueens in the Kingdom: The Ultimate Gay & Lesbian Guide to the Disney Theme Parks, is involved in the marketing of the D23 Expo. Subsequently, GLBT attendees can look forward to special presentations and sights geared toward our community. (Readers can learn more about Jeffrey and the queer side of the Disney parks at the Queens in the Kingdom website.)
GLBT and other Disney fans won’t want to miss what is promising to be “the single largest gathering of all things Disney ever assembled in one place at one magical time”! The D23 Expo will be open from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM daily. Tickets are required for admission, and may be purchased by visiting the official D23 site.
So there's this amazing recurrent pattern of finding Kirsten Dunst in films strange attracted to flowers or plants in general and more often then not yellow ones specifically. Above is the end credits for Mona Lisa Smile where yellow flowers sprout from her very name! When I saw this, after consciously looking for yellow FLOWers and Dunst together, I bowed my head and shed a few tears. It was a powerful moment and felt like the Universe telling me all is good and on track, keep it UP! Here's one of Kirsten and yellow FLOW in "Bring It On", there are a ton such examples which I will try and compile soon. A little sun sync winks hello and helps us understand the yellow FLOWer syncs.
Yellow FLOWer(RE): The yellow FLOW of RE/Ray/Sun/Light.
The original story about this pattern and other examples is related in the post Fauna and Flora. This yellow poster, featuring Kristen Bell (Sarah Marshall in Forgetting Sarah Marshall), caught my attention because I'm interested in Bell syncs (later..) and it feels a dead ringer for Little Miss Sunshine. I'm into this because I'm slowly gestating a yellow submarine post, and a bus - such as the yellow one above - is an anagram for sub... I typed Kirsten Dunst and Kristen Bell into Google a few days ago and this image of them together at a benefit was saved for further consideration.
I think I was curious that both are arising in the sync web and that there names are anagrams... Anyways, so today I check the Internet Movie Poster Awards (probably my favorite site) and see this new version for Couples Retreat containing the yellow flower begging a closer look. Turns out we have palm trees growing out of Kristen Bell on the far right and Kristin Davis on the far left both flanking Malin Akerman with a yellow FLOWer in her hair.
So I check the trailer because it would be cool to have the Kriste(i)n's in frame with yellow FLOWers. Then one could comfortable suggest the yellow floWer (and probably plants/flowers in general) pattern is extendable and related too that name, as originally highlighted by Kirsten Dunst. Probably a no brainer as the name is obviously related to Christ, "the light of the world" and the yellow FLOWer clearly suggest the sun/son and all such associations.
The intimate relationship between Jesus and plants is a deep sync whole we will only invoke here.
But having connected Kristen/Christ and the yellow flower, the following reiterates a pattern suggested before in a few Sync Whole posts like The Magic of Alignment and Dead Man's Rope. That is Christ/Jesus loudly resonating Jupiter!
Malin Akerman, just seen with the yellow flower (light/Sun/Son) in her hair in Couples Retreat, played the yellow Laurie Jupiter in Watchmen. Yellow FlOWer resonating Kristen/Christ and Yellow Jupiter, hmm. Note how Watchmen's iconic title also has the striking yellow as its color.
Peace In
jake's reference to Bring It On reminded me of the sequel, Bring It On: All Or Nothing, starring Hayden Panettiere...
Hayden plays the same red cheerleader in NBC's Heroes...
...alongside SOL-ange Knowles, sister of BeeYonce...
...and Rihanna.
Beyonce lookin mad fly as yellow flower/ miss sunshine / queen honeybee... Deja Vu
So there's this amazing recurrent pattern of finding Kirsten Dunst in films strange attracted to flowers or plants in general and more often then not yellow ones specifically. Above is the end credits for Mona Lisa Smile where yellow flowers sprout from her very name! When I saw this, after consciously looking for yellow FLOWers and Dunst together, I bowed my head and shed a few tears. It was a powerful moment and felt like the Universe telling me all is good and on track, keep it UP! Here's one of Kirsten and yellow FLOW in "Bring It On", there are a ton such examples which I will try and compile soon. A little sun sync winks hello and helps us understand the yellow FLOWer syncs.
Yellow FLOWer(RE): The yellow FLOW of RE/Ray/Sun/Light.
The original story about this pattern and other examples is related in the post Fauna and Flora. This yellow poster, featuring Kristen Bell (Sarah Marshall in Forgetting Sarah Marshall), caught my attention because I'm interested in Bell syncs (later..) and it feels a dead ringer for Little Miss Sunshine. I'm into this because I'm slowly gestating a yellow submarine post, and a bus - such as the yellow one above - is an anagram for sub... I typed Kirsten Dunst and Kristen Bell into Google a few days ago and this image of them together at a benefit was saved for further consideration.
I think I was curious that both are arising in the sync web and that there names are anagrams... Anyways, so today I check the Internet Movie Poster Awards (probably my favorite site) and see this new version for Couples Retreat containing the yellow flower begging a closer look. Turns out we have palm trees growing out of Kristen Bell on the far right and Kristin Davis on the far left both flanking Malin Akerman with a yellow FLOWer in her hair.
So I check the trailer because it would be cool to have the Kriste(i)n's in frame with yellow FLOWers. Then one could comfortable suggest the yellow floWer (and probably plants/flowers in general) pattern is extendable and related too that name, as originally highlighted by Kirsten Dunst. Probably a no brainer as the name is obviously related to Christ, "the light of the world" and the yellow FLOWer clearly suggest the sun/son and all such associations.
The intimate relationship between Jesus and plants is a deep sync whole we will only invoke here.
But having connected Kristen/Christ and the yellow flower, the following reiterates a pattern suggested before in a few Sync Whole posts like The Magic of Alignment and Dead Man's Rope. That is Christ/Jesus loudly resonating Jupiter!
Malin Akerman, just seen with the yellow flower (light/Sun/Son) in her hair in Couples Retreat, played the yellow Laurie Jupiter in Watchmen. Yellow FlOWer resonating Kristen/Christ and Yellow Jupiter, hmm. Note how Watchmen's iconic title also has the striking yellow as its color.
Peace In
jake's reference to Bring It On reminded me of the sequel, Bring It On: All Or Nothing, starring Hayden Panettiere...
Hayden plays the same red cheerleader in NBC's Heroes...
...alongside SOL-ange Knowles, sister of BeeYonce...
...and Rihanna.
Beyonce lookin mad fly as yellow flower/ miss sunshine / queen honeybee... Deja Vu