Lather. Rinse. Save the World. (there are those bubbles again.)
It's funny you should mention that, Jim... It's playing down here as well. I went and downloaded it as soon as I saw the Rainbow.

Sandler is also spotted with Weird Sunglasses connotation's in Big Daddy where he teaches Frankenstein(interesting name resonating Tin Man or machine built Man) about the Magic Sunglasses that turn one invisible.

Follow John TurTuRRo to the movie 'The Big Lebowski' and you find him playing a character called Jesus:
Guess which bowling lane we find Jesus (TurtuRRo) and the Lebowski (Jeff Bridges) playing on?
According to this article:
'The lead characters in the Coen brothers' film The Big Lebowski always used Lane 23 at the bowling alley.'
Is it a surprise then to find the 23 resonating Big Lebowski (Jeff Bridges) with the Red Eyes?
Red = 23
The Red Eye resonates with a Red Carpet which we see reflected in the Lebowski's Eyes.
The Red Carpet/Eye connects all of this to Aladdin and his Magic Flying Carpet. Here we see Lebowski sky surfing during a dream sequence:

The Red Magic Carpet (which is linked to the DNA Gene-ie and the Red Robin Williams) leads us to the Red Pill which we find inside the SpiriT lamP/Palm:
The date July 23rd is mentioned above in relation to the Lebowski Fest. The 23rd July was celebrated as a day dedicated to the Dog-Star Sirius/Sothis/Isis - the Egyptian Mother Goddess. The horny Freya was the Norse equivalent to the Egyptian Isis.
On July 23rd Robert Anton Wilson had the impression that he was being contacted by an extraterrestrial intelligence which originated from Sirius, the Black Dog-Star. Check out The 23 Phenomenon to learn more about Robert Anton Wilsons presonal Sirius experience. Notice above that Freya holds the Black Ball, or Black Sun, in the Palm of her Hand.
JIM: Freya is holding a black bowling ball just like the Queen in front of the Galactic Centre Temple in Winnipeg.
Someone at the Blob comments noticed ZOHAN becomes NOAH (once you tilt, mash, shave).
ZOHAN sports the Rainbow.
NOAH's ark is usually depicted under the arch of the Bow.
JIM: Tururro is a Purple Jesus. That is the same thing in Peru. In October there is a special painting of Jesus that is paraded through Lima and celebrated in a sea of purple wearing devotees.
Lord of the Miracles it is known as. The plant that is related to the Lord of the Miracles. In the Amazon, the plant connected with the spirit of the Lord is the Purple Pine. Seems to be pointing to the pineal gland indeed.

To Understand the import of the color purple we need to visit the Chakra's again. The Chakra's coordinate perfectly with the Tree of Life Blue vs Red thing we were looking at a second ago.
~Jkidd inteRRuption

More on the color purple on Following Hugh Jackman Down The Atlantean Stargate of the Blob!

The Red covers the Crouch.... It is Judgment and makes us think of two things... Excuse the vulgarity but those two things are Fucking and Fighting. Sigmund Frued says that those two things are the most basic of motivation in the human phyce. You can consider them interest in the opposite sex and the competition for such. It should be considered perfect that this Charkra is called the Root, as in the Root of all Motivation. The Blue Chakra covers the voice box it is Mercy and Being not Doing like Red. It being over the source of the voice tells us that it is all about communication. Bringing to or coming together and not splitting apart as in war. Purple is the mixture of these two things(one is no more important or more good than the other). Purple is the mixture of Red and Blue. It also lies on the Pineal Gland or Third Eye in the Chakra Meditation Diagram. In science it is known that the Pineal Gland is regulated by the Ultra Violent light from the Sun.... This helps it to know when to release the chemicals need for sleeping and waking. The Pineal Gland is also associated with the Phoenix as is Jesus(reborn). In other laymen terms Purple and Jesus make perfect solid sound sense! So lets follow Turturro some more shall we.

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