Will The Real Life Lucifer Please Stand Up for more Jordan
That's Eggzactly What I Said! For a weird Mayan twist
Jon Kidd:
Michael Jeffrey Jordan (born February 17, 1963)
Chinese sign Rabbit
1963 corresponds to the Rabbit's year.

Email sent to Jim on Apr 21:
Just a few thoughts about your Jack thing..

From Wiki
Richards has stated that he and Jagger wrote the lyrics while staying at Richards' country house, where they were awoken one morning by the sound of gardener Jack Dyer walking past the window. When Jagger asked what the noise was, Richards responded: "Oh, that's Jack - that's jumpin' Jack."[4] The rest of the lyrics evolved from there.

The cycles of Jupiter according to the Chinese say that 2011 is the Rabbit... (The Chinese Zodiac is governed by the twelve year orbit of Jupiter around the sun.)
I called Jupiter Jumpiter...

Wiki about Mario
The character first appeared in the 1981 arcade game Donkey Kong as a carpenter named "Jumpman",[4] more commonly called "Mr. Video Game" in Japan.

The object of the game is to defuse all bombs in a platform-filled screen. Jumpman defuses a bomb by touching it. According to the story, these are placed on Jupiter by terrorists.

Is Jack another name for Jupiter, as Jumpiter?
Jumping Jesus and Jumping Jack are interchangeable and both probably also resonate Jupiter

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