Well, possums, we can’t say we blame the Season 5 contestants (and Tom Colicchio) for questioning the “All-Star” bona fides of the past seasons’ representatives who showed up for the asinine Super Bowl-themed episode.
After all, the only thing the “challengers” have in common was residence in New York, where the show was filming. (Spike Mendelsohn, who has opened a burger joint in D.C., splits his time between the capital and New York, and the ACELA ride surely posed no problem to a man who would crawl on his hands and knees over broken glass to attend the opening of an envelope if there were a camera within 10 feet.)
And yet, we had no idea Herr Richter was quite so adept at smack talk (as demonstrated in this video). Of Miguel Morales: “He is a banquet assistant chef. And he warms up 85 plates at one time in the oven.” Ooh, burn.
But the whole Camille thing has us puzzled. Bitter? How came he to this conclusion?

Ok, so her restaurant was gutted by fire, and she’s sporting East L.A. homegirl bangs, but is that enough evidence from which to deduce that she’s bitter?
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