Each time it rains and I watch the raindrops on my window on the fourth floor I cannot help but hum the song I used to sing with the Sunday School students and the MYF friends.
Sometimes I wonder how many of them remember the song as well as I do. I have passed the song to my childen too. However even as the song brings momentary joy to my heart with lots of good memories a part of my heart feels great pain for those who are suffering from the recent floods and other tragic events caused by the continuous rain in so many parts of Sarawak.
Are raindrops God's tears?
Joy Is Like The Rain
by Miriam Therese Winter
I saw raindrops on my window
Joy is like the rain.
Laughter runs across my pain
Slips away and comes again.
Joy is like the rain.
I saw clouds upon a mountain
Joy is like a cloud;
Sometimes silver, sometimes gray,
Always sun not far away.
Joy is like a cloud.
I saw Christ in wind and thunder,
Joy is tried by storm.
Christ asleep within my boat,
whipped by wind, yet still afloat.
Joy is tried by storm.
I saw raindrops on my window
Joy is like the rain.
Bit by bit the river grows,
Till at once it overflows.
Joy is like the rain.
The rain these days pelt on my window panes and for too many days and nights I fear of floods coming higher and higher in Sibu. Never before had floods come twice a month to Sibu.
While the raindrops look beautiful on the window panes somewhere out there a mother is crying out because her unborn child may arrive any time and she has to deal with the elements . How can she have a good confinement as she is an evacuee staying in a large hall with perhaps a hundred or so other people? How can she have private moments to breast feed her new born baby?
While I watch the raindrops coming down in torrents and I am sitting in a cushioned chair a child has to watch his kettle boil under a tarpaulin while his mother tries to keep everything dry. They would have been staying under this makeshift shelter for the last three weeks living on handouts from the government as their wooden hut has been inundated for that length of time.
Water is every where. Pain is within the hearts of the flood victims. Hurt is felt by those who have suffered from the inconveniences caused by floods.
While those of us may be warm and dry - our prayers are with you....those who are suffering from the brunt of too many floods in the last few weeks.
This song helped me through a lot of big and small tragedies in my life. And it is a great and inspiring song at any time too. Hope it helps.
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