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Saturday, June 14, 2008

Neck Lift (Platysmaplasty)

The neck can begin to show age faster than whole face and many times patients only need a neck lift, rather than a full face lift. Aging does not always determine the need for a neck lift, but rather having lost considerable weight or it may even be hereditary. Many patients choose to have a neck lift with their face lift procedure.

Neck Lift (Platysmaplasty)

Neck Lift (Platysmaplasty)

What does Neck Lift Surgery Involve?
Neck Lift is a anti aging treatments surgery designed to reduce the loose look of sagging skin in the neck area and under the jaw line.

How long does a Neck Lift take?
Neck Lift is an operation that usually takes 2 hours to complete using a general anaesthetic and normally includes an overnight stay at the hospital.

Jessica Lange Neck Lift
Jessica Lange Neck Lift

What can I expect from a Neck Lift?
Your expectations need to be realistic. Most patients are pleased with the outcome and find they gain a feeling of increased self-confidence especially when wearing can those more revealing clothes. The overall achievement will be having a completely natural look that gives the impressions you have lost weight and/or look younger.

Recovery after Neck Lift (Platysmaplasty) Procedure

What will happen in the recovery period?
You will feel tired and sore for a few days and will have swelling and bruising which is only natural. Most of your discomfort will be subsided with prescription medication. Following the operation you will have a light dressing in place which will need to be kept dry for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks your dressing will be removed and the wound inspected and lightly cleaned. The scars will be firm and pink for at least six weeks and may remain the same size for several months and it is important to keep in mind that they may take up to 2 years to fade. You will have follow-up visits in the months after surgery to check on your progress.

What is the recovery time from Platysmaplasty surgery?
This will depend on the individual patient however most patients are able to go back to work after a couple weeks. Although you can walk about and do very light activities in a few days it is advisable not to do anything strenuous for 21 days. The average recovery time is between 3-4 weeks.

Felicity huffman Necklift

Felicity huffman Necklift

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