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Saturday, March 12, 2011

pictures of earthquakes damages

Earthquake Damage Photos- Provincial Emergency Program

Earthquake Damage Photos- Provincial Emergency Program

Earthquake damages in the epicentral area

Earthquake damages in the epicentral area

Total cost: about $260 million, which could prevent $1.5 billion in damages

Total cost: about $260 million, which could prevent $1.5 billion in damages

Earthquake Damage Photos

Earthquake Damage Photos

Earthquake Damages. An earthquake is a seismic wave that radiates throughout

Earthquake Damages. An earthquake is a seismic wave that radiates throughout

 of the earthquake, the results can be devastating in terms of damage to

of the earthquake, the results can be devastating in terms of damage to

The earthquake that hit L'Aquila, Italy has inflicted devastating damage to

The earthquake that hit L'Aquila, Italy has inflicted devastating damage to

 Italy was italy-earthquake-damage hit with a 6.3 magnitude

Italy was italy-earthquake-damage hit with a 6.3 magnitude Earthquake Damages Earthquake Damages

Damages Caused by the November 29, 1975 Earthquake

Damages Caused by the November 29, 1975 Earthquake

Haiti Earthquake Damage 2010. Real earthquake ground motion at a particular

Haiti Earthquake Damage 2010. Real earthquake ground motion at a particular

 what makes an earthquake and what can be done to minimize their impact.

what makes an earthquake and what can be done to minimize their impact.

 earthquake would result in $39-$328 billion in damage and 3000-24000

earthquake would result in $39-$328 billion in damage and 3000-24000

Earth Changes: Scientist warn very large earthquake events are on the

Earth Changes: Scientist warn very large earthquake events are on the

 geology and soil also play very important roles in earthquake damage.

geology and soil also play very important roles in earthquake damage.

 devastating results of this Bhuj earthquake. These damages were enormous

devastating results of this Bhuj earthquake. These damages were enormous

Damages Caused by the November 29, 1975 Earthquake

Damages Caused by the November 29, 1975 Earthquake

Earthquakes In Colorado

Earthquakes In Colorado

Damage done by the 1994 Northridge Earthquake.

Damage done by the 1994 Northridge Earthquake.

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