"Be reckless enough to gamble all or nothing to follow your dreams"- John Galliano

I have been asked many times what is my take on the disastrous fall of John Galliano. I have been also advised by the people closest to me to not to touch this subject at all. Or, better yet, wait when general direction of the collective mind will become clear and follow it, so much safer. But here it is: I do not presume to have an authority to pass judgements or ask for punishment nor do I intent to do it. I have made far too many terrible mistakes along the 36 years of my life to grand myself this right . Over the past two weeks I have struggled to reconcile with in myself fast moving events at Dior. I have found myself literally devastated by the entire story , unable to work or concentrate on anything . Not good.
I have arrived to the conclusion that despite the terrible words John carelessly spoke and for which he will pay a very dear price - he is NOT a racist and he is NOT an anti-Semite. If the art of Galliano is the reflection of his artistic soul, than I do not believe that a racist could draw inspiration for his magnificent collections from so many ethnic backgrounds. For those of us, who speak Galliano language, it is easy to see that he does not see the clothes he creates as a separate entity, divorced from his own soul. His extravagant, fearless, outrageous Collections is the embodiment of his own spiritual being extended to the undisputed heights of High Fashion. Galliano is responsible for not only creating History, he is responsible for creating entirely new type of woman - Galliano woman.
With that, I want to say: John, thank you for the privilege of seeing your work and being a witness to the most magnificent Collections sent down Dior runway for the past many years. I wish you everything a kind good friend would wish to another kind good friend. I will wait for your recovery and return. I know you will reinvent your life in the most spectacular way and will come back. Until then you will be greatly missed. With much love. Anya
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