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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Hamantashen Observation Deck Victory Portrait

A portrait of newly elected Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel with some hamantashen cookies on top of his head-

Summer pancake hat cat

Hamantashen, a traditional Jewish food representing the victory of Purim, extend outwards from Rahm's head until the last cookie is in a precarious, unsupported position.  There are five cookies and five clouds, representing Rahm's previous Fifth District seat.   The cookies suggest the newly transparent observation deck at the Sears / Willis Tower in Chicago. We can see through the cookie, unable to tell if there is actually a glass floor to support our weight.  The hamantashen also signify that Rahm's Jewish identity forms the structure of how he views the world, up to the under-construction point of the present moment defined ultimately by his own personality and propensity for risk-taking. The blue beneath the last cookie represents Lake Michigan, which seems to be reaching upwards into the tranquility of Rahm's thoughts, anticipating future conflict. The turbulence emanates from Rahm himself.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel Hamantashen Observation Deck Portrait - Ebay Art Auction

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