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Monday, February 28, 2011

Amy Winehouse Learns Ballet

Amy Winehouse Learns Ballet 
27-year-old singer Amy Winehouse, who suffered from drug addiction, is believed to have hired a ballet instructor to teach her the dance, and get her fit.

“Amy has started ballet lessons at home and she’s really enjoying them, she wants to get fit, tone up and become more supple without getting too muscly. She really likes kick-boxing too, but she loves the glamor of ballet.” a source said.

According to reports, Amy’s house is now installed with a studio and fitness equipment, as she is trying to get in shape before getting back on stage.

“When she moved in she swore she was going to change her lifestyle – that’s part of the reason she had her own gym and studio installed, she wants to be fit and look good ready for her comeback at the end of the year.” the source added.


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