Okay, so I was all ready to talk about how I love the MGM HD channel because it allows me to revisit movies I haven't seen in years. Films like: Southern Comfort, Coffy, The Burning, and Interiors. And I was all ready to write about how the other night they showed this film called Cop, starring James Woods in one of his best performances, directed by James B. Harris who used to work on Kubrick's films from the 50's and 60's (most notably writing the screenplay and producing Paths of Glory), and how the film was standard serial killer vs. cop fare except for the fact that the film had this alluring, sleazy, Dirty Harry-esque exploitation aesthetic that made it impossible to turn away from (not to mention Woods' amazing performance). I was all ready to talk about a film called Cop, a film from the 80's that seems so insignificant in 2009 (I mean why talk about it?), a film that I'm sure not a lot of people have even seen, or if they have, barely remember; however, as I started writing some notes down I realized...I just don't have the time for this. Follow my jumbled thoughts after the jump...
You see, I love this blog and I put a lot of love into it. It's hard for me not to come to it every morning and try to write something for it...I treat it like a discipline, something I feel I should do every day to keep me practicing at this thing called writing. I realized last night, however, that I can't keep coming to the blog every morning when I have piles and piles of educational journals to read for graduate school. So I think I need to step back from the blog for a moment.
Fellow Olson and all around great guy, Rick is having similar issues with his blog, although here he opines that the blog is more of a daunting task than creative outlet (which he already has every week). For me it's the opposite, although I definitely understand how Rick feels...this blogging community I've come to know, a community full of intelligent cinephiles who have enriched my film-going experiences, can finicky at times. Hell, I'm as guilty as anyone when it comes to actually commenting on someones piece...sometimes I do it and sometimes I don't. I feel like this blog is more for me than anyone else, though, so whenever anyone comments on here it really just leaves me in a state of awe that people care enough to read what have to say and then actually comment on it. Very surreal. But I also know that I deserve it, too. Sure that may sound arrogant, but I put a lot of work into this blog and a lot of love into most of my pieces, so I don't think that the responses I get are unwarranted...I'm still grateful for every single one of them, though.
And I guess that's why it's so hard to walk away from this thing, even for a month or two, because like Rick says in his piece, this whole blogging enterprise feeds the ego. Which I think is okay to admit...it's what keeps me going on days I don't want to talk about anything. So, I'm setting the blog aside for about a month. I'll return in the middle of December when I will be on break from graduate school and on a winter break from work (one of the perks of being a teacher...). I still would like to finish my "Revisiting 1999" project (I have about four movies left to talk about), and I'll have a ton of movies to talk about when I return (It's the end of the year so there's always tons of movies to talk about) to the blog, and of course, I'll do the obligatory ten-best lists (one for this year and one for the decade).
I'll still lurk around on other blogs and continue my daily reading of all the fine blogs out there...hell, I may even break my own sabbatical and return every now and then with a Question of the Day, because those are easy and quick to produce, and wouldn't take my focus away from what I should be doing.
Looking at all the reading and lesson planning and assignments I have to do for school is making my head hurt...it's already making me wish I didn't have to leave the blog...even if it is only for a month. A month doesn't seem that long...and in reality it isn't, but this is something I look forward to every day, so...I'll miss it. I'll see you all around December 10th.
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