For all my teachers and my children's teachers - thank you for the love and the knowledge you share.

For my mother espeically and all the mothers and grandmothers and certainly the mothers-in-laws of this world for bringing all of us into this world.

For the great leaders of China - Hu Jin Tao and Wen Jia Bao . My admiration and love.

For all dear aunties and uncles and sisters and brothers and cousins and nephews and neices - those who provide pastoral care for those suffering and in need...love not only today but all the days of your life.

For all the missionaries in this world : for your sacrifice and love for all mankind. Without that spark in you love will not be spread. James Hoover would not have come to Sibu!

For all those who carry love in their hearts for eternity - love in whatever form is never too old it is never too weak and it is never too poor.

For my three daughters - family love was sown on the prairie with Laura Ingalls and it has spread far and wide as we watched episode after episode. You might be far away but you are in my heart where love stays strong for always.

For my son - love is like a pot of honey it is so good you need to use your fingers and lick the last sticky drop and then you want more!! No chef can cook without using his hands! I want to say again and again you must use your hands well in the kitchen. And your cooking must be finger licking good!

To all my friends and former students you are like the characters in Sesame Street - cheerful and loving. You are like a loving world family. And you never do grow old. Do you?

And to myself - I am like Snoopy - Music please! Dance! Dance for love today and every day of your life!!
God is Love and Joy.
(ref: images are all from Google Images)
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