A trip out into the Tokyo shopping jungle can often be overwhelming. Searching for new season clothing and accessories on any given weekend can end in either giving your bank account or body a major battering. With close to 13 million people calling Tokyo home the shopping meccas on holidays and weekends can literally feel like you are in the front row of a death metal concert; the noise, the human traffic, the occasional head banging.
While I adore the feel of the fabrics, the smell of new bags, the glam of the Tokyo stores and never ending examples of fashion mix ups on display what I don't enjoy is jostling to get out of the station, pounding the scarily overcrowded pavements, lining up to try anything on and having to say 'sumimasen' (excuse me) 354 times.
Recently I have been thinking there has got to be a better way to search for all of the styles and wardrobe updates needed as the seasons change without hitting the streets of Shibuya and Shinjuku during the weekend rush. I had spotted an ad for ZOZOTOWER in a few fashion magazines I had picked up recently. Thinking it was just another shopping complex I dismissed it until Masao came to my shopping woes rescue tonight and suggested I should head to www.zozo.jp. What I was about to discover was the end of all my Tokyo fashion finding worries.
ZOZOTOWN is a virtual Tokyo (the site is in Japanese but still easily navigated - we would be happy to help you out if you need it). This immaculately designed site is Tokyo without the crowds. ZOZO have gathered together many of the Tokyo street fashion big guns and created a virtual town in which to house them.
Shops such as Beams, Car Life and Hysteric Glamour can be found in ZOZOTOWN. Simply click on the store name, then the store image to enter the virtual shop and start browsing BY YOURSELF. No crowds, no shop assistants. Sit back, relax and SHOP!
So I would love to sit around and write to you all but I have got a whole lot of relaxing, virtual shopping to do - winter is coming and my wardrobe is a mess!
Check out ZOZOTOWER for 5 levels of virtual shopping fun. Oh and if you are really keen and happen to know somebody on the inside you might want to get yourself an invite to become a permanent at ZOZORESIDENCE
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