The Tokyo Design Festa is the largest art event in Asia and was most definitely one of the biggest motivations behind the TOKYOMADE concept. Walking through the aisles, gasping with amazement at talented designer after crafty creator we knew we couldn't keep this kind of wonder all to ourselves. Thousands of creators, designers and talents put themselves and their creations on display for all to see. It truly is something to behold and definitely the best shopping spree of the year.
This time last year we were readying ourselves with ideas in our heads and hope in our hearts to get together with some of the Japan-based creators on display at Design Festa and give them a new home/ online space to display their products all year round to an international audience. was merely an idea last November, a vision that we had. We trotted off to the Tokyo Big Site like shoppers on a mission. We didn't even have a meishi (business card) or any kind of site concept to show designers and crafters. All we had was a passion to support Japan-based creation and a desire to find artists and creators that wanted to be part of a growing community. launched on February 14 of this year and we are giddy to announce that we will be at Tokyo Design Festa this year in our very own booth showing outrageously awesome designs and creations from over 30 Japan-based creators/ thinkers/ illustrators/ recyclers/ makers/ designers/ artists/ painters/ friends.
In such a short time TOKYOMADE has gone from being a welling of passion to a community of like-minded people sharing their talent with the world. The opportunity to be representing this talent at Design Festa, where the bubbling of passion all began, is one of the most exhilarating and mind blowing times for us! We are eternally grateful to each and every designer that shines on TOKYOMADE, the customers and admirers that appreciate and support them and our outstandingly supportive friends and family - we love you all!
We have got lots of surprises and greatness in stall for all visitors. Please, please if you are in Tokyo on November 17 & 18 come to the Tokyo Big Site to visit us and the thousands of other Japanese and international artists and acts. You will not be disappointed. Oh remember to bring your pocket money there are always plenty of goodies and bargains to pick up, you will be glad you did!
See you there!
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