Tomorrow morn, a Monday morning in Tokyo will be a jolt to my system for sure but I am ready for it (or so I am convincing myself). I don't often do well with lots of time on my hands. I am at my best when kept busy, so it is time to exfoliate the lazing and lounging and get my ass on that express train by 7:22am tomorrow.
Anyone who knows me well enough will know that I don't like to go to bed early, my Mum would go so far as to call me a Night Owl. What I am even less good at is "Mornings". You know the old Snoopy coffee mugs with the inscription "I'm allergic to morning" with poor old Snoop draped over his dog house, I feel a mighty strong connection to that mug (and have been bidding furiously on Ebay to nab a vintage version).
As much as I hate to think about all the good quality internet roving hours I will miss tonight by going to bed early, I have made a promise with myself that I will be in close proximity to my futon and comfy pillow by 10:30 (EEEK) a whole 4 hours before my usual bedtime. Early to bed, early to rise makes a woman healthy, wealthy and wise!! I am going to try it, let you know how I go!
Sweet dreams!
I leave you with some pictures that we took in Ibiza last year. The people in Ibiza don't have to sleep if they don't want to, and as a general rule they rarely do!
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