Gorgeously glam model Michi showed off her super talent as she shimmied and gave us a taste of the dance from the east.
An amazing mix of talented artists set up early and got to work as Dillon dazzled with facts and a winning DJ mix. All the while Michi provided powerful and sexy form for the sketchers.
The highlight for us, as always, was competition time. We are intensely fortunate to be a part of this vibrant event and supporting it any way we can is a pure delight. Each month we invite the TM designers to contribute something to the prize booty. This month Eshimasa out did himself and contributed some mindblowing limited edition pieces. The first prize (which we sadly missed the op to take a pic of) was a one-of-a-kind Eshimasa X Tokyomade tshirt designed especially for the event!! WOW!
The other comp of the night was won by a firey and inspirational artist, Emily. Emily was the cheerful winner of an original Japanese fan designed by Eshimasa. The bonza prize pack also included gorgeous postcards created by Michi, a Dress Pod, 77 Kat Street Necklace and plenty of TOKYOMADE promo goodies.
We met a troop of awesome new friends and got to celebrate a glorious Tokyo summer night with some of our favorite people!
The LADE Clothing boys add a sense of coolness and style to any party, Wednesday was no exception. (Aahhhhhhh I love this job!!)
Alison, the gorgeous, enjoyed a well earned break and the delights on offer at the Pink Cow.
The next Dr Sketchy's Tokyo will be held Wednesday 25th of July. If you are strolling the streets of Tokyo with not much to do, you know where to go...Pink Cow Shibuya. Come early to get a seat!
Hope to see you there, if not be sure to check out this bloggie thing for an update on the sketchy fun!
Finger painting fun to you,
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